Podcast:: The Microsoft Developer Show

I have been meaning to return to the Daily Developers for a while now and I finally did.  The first thing I added was additional information on how to Start a Podcast.  While I don’t claim to be an extra, what I did add was information on how The Microsoft Developer Show is produced.  In summary the tools I use are:

  • Outlook – Communication and co-ordination of recording sessions (and of course with the team at The Podcast Network to co-ordinate uploading each show)
  • Skype – Most shows involve chatting with someone who is not based in Wellington, NZ (where I currently am), so Skype provides a cheap way to have an hour long chat.
  • Skylook – This is a fantastic product that integrates Outlook and Skype.  Not only does it add recording functionality within Skype, it also adds answering machine and reminder capabilities to Outlook (more on this in a bit).
  • Audacity – One the recording has been made, Audacity is used to tidy up the rough bits (umms, errs, repeats, mistakes, NDA material etc).  It is also used to mix in music for the beginning and ending to give the show some element of professionalism.
  • The Podcast Network – Of course, there isn’t much point in recording a show if you have no where to put it.  The team at the TPN do a great job w.r.t. support and assistance with getting started.

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