RateMyApp Control for Windows Phone

Earlier this month I posted on how to Boosting Reviews of your Windows Phone Application using the MarketplaceReviewTask Launcher.

Across on the Nokia developer wiki there is an article talking about the RateMyApp component that is available for Windows Phone (http://developer.nokia.com/Resources/Library/Lumia/code-examples/rate-my-app.html). Essentially this makes the process of directing your users to rate and review your app after a number of application runs as simple as adding a NuGet package and adding a control to the main page of your application.

Here are a couple of pointers:

DO make sure you call the Review method on the FeedbackHelper class rather than directing users via the MarketplaceReviewTask. Using this method makes sure they don’t see the RateMyApp prompt at a later stage.

DO NOT use the standard prompts. It’s generally deemed to be bad practice to suggest what rating to give your app. You’re better of controlling when they see the rate/review prompt so that they’re more likely to give you a good rating when your app works for them.

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