Opening more than One Exchange Account in Outlook

Finally, a solution to this problem that has plagued me for so long.  Big thanks to fellow nsquared solutions founder, James McCutcheon, for pointing this one out to me.  For those who don’t use Exchange you probably think “why is this an issue?” Well I guess that’s a question for the boffins at Microsoft who make the priority decisions with regards to Outlook.  Funnily enough the team building Entourage (Outlook equivalent for the Mac) have support multiple Exchange accounts for a while now.

The solution proposed across on Hammer Of God is a neat little executable called ExtraOutlook.  This essentially permits multiple instances of Outlook to run concurrently, thus allowing you to have multiple Mail profiles open at once – yes, you still need to set each Exchange account up as a separate profile, but at least you don’t need to reopen Outlook in order to flip between them!

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