View Models for Split Frame Windows

In my previous post I talked about adapting the application UX for varying screen size. Currently the navigation model relies on a one to one mapping between pages and view models. However, with the need to support a split screen (eg list on left, details on right) and to continue to support the List/Details page model without too much rework, I need a mechanism for supporting multiple view models. The simplest approach is to again match what I did with the UI layer – the ListAndDetailsPage would have its own view model eg ListAndDetailsViewModel which would contain references to instances of the ListViewModel and DetailsViewModel (these would typically be used to match the ListPage and DetailsPage).

This approach could be taken a step further by having separate view models for the ListControl and DetailsControl – these could be based on a different base view model as they would only ever be created as child view models (ie you can’t navigate to them). In the coming posts I’m going to look at the layout of the real estate inspector sample app and build out the UX using this approach.

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