HTC Touch Pro GPS Failing with Google Maps

Yesterday I did a hard reset of my HTC Touch Pro; actually I applied a clean ROM image but that’s a different story. For those who have spoken to me recently you will have heard how much I dislike my this device.  The actual device is great but it suffers from stability issues, coupled with negative levels of support from both HTC and Expansys (whom I purchased the device through).  I’ve also never been able to get the GPS to work via Google Maps.  You would have thought that since Google Maps is installed by default that they would have it configured to work with the GPS on the device.

Turns out that all you need to do is to change the GPS settings within Google Maps and hey presto it works:

Menu –> Options –> GPS Settings…

My Location Settings –> Set Manually [COM4 , 4800]

Of course this needs to match up with the GPS Settings on your device:

Start –> Settings –> System –> External GPS

Programs –> GPS Program Port [COM4]

Lastly, you should run QuickGPS (Start –> Programs –> QuickGPS –> Download) as this will significantly reduce the time it takes the GPS to locate satellites.

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