Redux and the State of My XAML Application (part 1)

Recently there has been quite a bit of noise about new tools and technologies (eg Flutter) and how they’re going to reshape how we build mobile applications. Various developers have blown a lot of smoke into the ecosystem as they’ve thrown in the towel with one technology and jumped headlong into the unknown. In this post I wanted to explore one of the key architectural differences that has developers up in arms about.

Let’s firstly step back a few, or more, years back to the dark ages of building Windows Forms (WinForms) applications where everything was done via imperative code. Visual Studio provided some basic abstraction from designer generated code v’s developer code but other than that everything was done manually. Whilst WinForms did have a form of data binding, it was so hard to get it to work well, most apps ended up resorting to writing logic to set properties on the UI elements directly.

A little further along the timeline we see the introduction of XAML (WPF, Silverlight etc) where data binding was a first class citizen. Enter the age of the MVVM pattern which was widely adopted as it offered a great separation of concerns between the view (ie the XAML) and the logic of the app. Personally I’ve never seen MVVM as much more than just the use of data binding. Recently I’ve heard of all sorts of reasons why developers thought that MVVM was being used, such as allowing the reuse of ViewModels and/or Models across different apps – I’m not sure where this concept came from but the reality is that it never happens. I think MVVM is still just about making it easier to test the logic of the application without having to spin up the UI.

Databinding works well, allowing the UI to be declaratively defined (either in XAML or code) but it doesn’t prescribe how an application should be architected behind the scenes. There are some frameworks, such as MvvmCross that help with a lot of the boilerplate logic (app start up, DI framework, navigation etc), but that’s where the guidance ends. For simple applications this isn’t an issue, and for a lot of application complexity is kept quite low, which means that keeping business logic, and state, on a page by page basis isn’t an issue. However, over time applications grow, and the complexity increases. This was identified by Facebook as the complexity of their website grew and they needed a more effective way to manage state. At this point I’m going to skip ahead to Redux (there’s more background at which aims to solve the issue of state management within an application using a mono-direction flow to ensure consistency of state. I’m also not going to proclaim to be a guru on Redux, I just want to point to how it supports a new wave of React style development. The essential concept is that app state is immutable and that any changes result in a new state.

If you take a look at the way that Flutter builds their UI, the layout is made up of a sequence of widgets generated each time the build method is invoked. As the state of the application changes, a call to setState will trigger the build method to be run, yielding a completely new set of widgets that will be painted in the next pass to the screen. It’s pretty obvious that if the app state is being regenerated on each change (ie Redux pattern), this plays nicely with the setState/build flow that’s core to Flutter.

So, the question is – if we want to take advantage of Redux, do we have to abandon ship and start building Flutter apps? Well if you want to give up on all the years of experience you have, the mature ecosystem, and all the platforms that Flutter doesn’t support, sure, why not, but I do feel that in the absence of other reasons, that this is a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

To rephrase the question – in a XAML application, how do we take advantage of Redux? Well the good news is that half the work is already done – Redux.NET. However, I would caution you not to follow the rather simplistic examples given on the project website which essentially disposes of the use of data binding – if you’re going to do that, just go build your app using a different technology. Instead, we need to think a bit more about how we can marry the concept of immutable state with data binding.

The naïve approach is to expose the state of the application as a property and then every time the state changes, we update the property with the new value. For example the following ViewModel exposes a Person object which represents the current state of this simple application.

public class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
     private Person data;

    public Person Data
         get => data;
         set => SetProperty(ref data, value);

This approach will work and as the Data property is updated with new Person entities, the data bound UI will update accordingly. However, if the Person object is moderately complex, with nested data bound properties, when you update the Data property there will be some nasty UI artefacts – this is because triggering PropertyChanged on the Data property will force every data binding that starts with Data to be re-evaluated. Imagine that the Person entity has a property Family, which is a list of Person entities, and that property is data bound to a ListView. If the Data property changes, the entire ListView will be repopulated, losing any selection or scroll position, not to mention other visual artefacts such as a flicker as it redraws. Clearly this isn’t what we want to happen.

This leads us to the question of how change is managed within our application. Let’s go back over our history lesson:

– With WinForms we were required to do everything. Every change within our application we needed to evaluate whether something needed to change on the UI, and then we’d explicitly set the appropriate property on the control.

– With XAML based applications we updated properties that were data bound. We still needed to work out what changed, because we didn’t want to raise the PropertyChanged event more than was absolutely necessary.

– With React style applications we no longer need to track what’s changed, we just use the latest state to build the UI.

The latter sounds great, except for the reality is that there is going to be some change tracking going on, we just don’t need to code for it. Let’s look at an example – say we have a list of items on the screen and the user has scrolled half way down the list. If the UI was to just be rebuilt, that scroll position would be lost. The same applies to text entered into a text field etc.

Perhaps what we need to do is to abstract away the need to work out what’s changed and invoke PropertyChanged only for the properties that have actually changed – if we can do that, then updating our Data property can be done as much as it needed without worrying about weird UI artefacts……

Part 2 will show an example of how changing state can be handled in a XAML application along with using Redux to keep our state immutable

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