Running a Windows UI (Project Reunion) App as Partial Trust (Windows App Container)

I’ve covered this a couple of times already but it’s already possible to run a Windows UI (aka WinUI / Project Reunion) app as “partial trust”. This is roughly equivalent to the security context of a UWP application. However, there are some difference, which I’m assuming Microsoft will have to bridge if they’re going to … Read more

Running Your Windows UI / Project Reunion App in the Windows App Container (sandbox)

In a number of my previous posts I’ve challenged the need for Windows UI (WinUI3) to continue to support UWP. In nearly every instance I get push back from the community regarding all the features that are missing from Project Reunion and that UWP needs to be the future – but why I ask? wah, … Read more

Trust, Identity and AppContainer for Windows Apps

Following my previous post where I explored different packaging options for Win32 and UWP apps, I realised that there are some options I didn’t mention. In this post I’m going to provide a very quick summary of the options I’ve come across and how they define the running context of an app. Here goes…. Vanilla … Read more

Combining .NET 5, WinUI, UWP – FullTrust, PartialTrust, WindowsAppContainer

As Microsoft progresses towards the first release of WinUI3 and in parallel invests into Project Reunion, the gap between Win32 based applications (eg WinForms, WPF) and UWP applications is being eroded. In this post we’re going to look at the role of trust, identity, capabilities and the Windows App Container, and how they relate to … Read more