A learning experience with SQL Server CE
A learning experience with SQL Server CE
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
A learning experience with SQL Server CE
Skylook v2 – The ultimate Outlook to Skype connector
I smell some Rote Code
Joel on Dynamic Languages – The Microsoft Developer Show
When refactoring goes wrong
SQL Server Everywhere renamed to SQL Server Compact Edition
October CTP for Orcas available for download
WCF for Windows Mobile
Changing the ACS model
Some thoughts on the ACS
Scoble hits the nail on the head w.r.t. Zune
Community Server meets Google Site Map
Domain Specific Search – Search .NET
Podcast:: The Microsoft Developer Show
Inking with the Wacom Graphire 4 Tablet
Some pictures of the Sept Orcas CTP
SQL Server Everywhere – how big is that data?
SQL Code Camp – NZ style
Vista UAC