I’ve covered this topic previously in my post Create, Build and Publish a Flutter Web App but things have changed a little now as web support has been merged, making it easier to build a single application that runs on iOS, Android and Web. To find out more you can check out the Flutter docs for web and Building a web application with Flutter. In this post, I’m going to cover my experience and talk a little about the debugging experience in Visual Studio Code.
With the release of Flutter 1.9 I took a read through the announcement from the Google Developer Days in China and I was initially a little thrown because it indicated that Flutter’s web support has been integrated into the main Flutter repository. I assumed this meant that if I upgraded to 1.9 I would be able to immediately create a Flutter app that targets the mobile and web platforms.
Switching Channel
After upgrading to 1.9 and trying to create a new Flutter project, I quickly realised that I had misunderstood the announcement and that I still needed to switch to a different channel in order to get the integrated experience for Flutter web. So I ran the following command
flutter channel master
After switching to the master channel, I ran:
flutter doctor flutter upgrade flutter config --enable-web
New Flutter Project With Web
Once you’ve run these methods, the next thing to do is to create a new Flutter project in Visual Studio code. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to bring up the Command Palette, type Flutter and click Flutter: New Project. After your project is created you’ll notice the addition of a web folder.

Launching Flutter for Web
When you go to launch your Flutter app from within Visual Studio Code you’ll need to decide whether to launch on iOS or Andoird, or the newly supported web. In the lower right corner of Visual Studio Code you can see the current debugging target – in this case it’s already set to use Chrome.

If you tap the debugging target you’ll be prompted to pick an alternative debugging target.
After setting the debugging target, if you press F5 your Flutter app will launch on the appropriate device or emulator. Note that since web support is in preview, there’s no step-through debugging support; you can set breakpoints etc, you just can’t step through the code and inspect variables.
This was just a short post to draw your attention to the need to switch to the master branch in order to try out the Flutter for web support.