As I start to work with Azure Bicep I figured I’d share some of my experiences here. First up, is just a quick recap of how to generate bicep code from an ARM template.
Actually, the problem I initially started with was how to start writing bicep code since I wasn’t really familiar with either the bicep syntax, or how to define each of the resources I wanted to create. I had skimmed through the docs that the team have put together, which helped my understand the basic syntax. Then I took a look through the various examples that the team had posted. In fact, they even have an interactive playground where you can enter bicep code and have it generate the corresponding ARM template. In the top right corner, they have a list of sample templates, along with the corresponding bicep code.
Now that I’d brushed up on the syntax and had trawled through a dozen or so of the examples, I figured I was ready to write my first bicep file. Hold up…. before I get into writing some bicep code, I actually decided to make sure I could build and deploy my bicep code locally (if you want to build and run your bicep code in an Azure DevOps pipeline, check out this post).
Build and Deploy Bicep Code
Here’s a quick summary of working with Visual Studio Code to write, compile and deploy your Bicep code.
- Install latest Bicep version (v0.1.37-alpha at time of writing) – I’d recommend using the installer as this will correctly setup path variables etc
- Install the Visual Studio Code extension – this isn’t available via the extensions marketplace, so you’ll need to download it from the release page on github. Make sure you follow the instructions to install the extension by selecting the downloaded VSIX from within Visual Studio Code (rather than double-clicking the downloaded file)
- Launch Visual Studio Code and create your first, empty, bicep file eg myfirstbicep.bicep. Note that Visual Studio Code will recognise the file type and show “Bicep” as the language in the bottom right corner of the window.

- Make sure you have the Azure CLI Tools extension installed for Visual Studio Code
- Create an azcli file, eg myfirstbicep.azcli that will be used to run Azure CLI commands. Alternatively you can just enter the commands into a Powershell terminal (assuming you have the Azure CLI installed).
- Add the following code to the azcli file – comments should explain what each line does.
# generates myfirstbicep.json (ie compiles the bicep file to ARM template)
bicep build myfirstbicep.bicep
# create a resource group to deploy the bicep code to
# this is ignored if resource group already exists
az group create -n rgbicepexample -l westus
# deploy the ARM template that was generated from bicep file
az deployment group create -f myfirstbicep.json -g rgbicepexample
# delete the resource group
# this will prompt to confirm deletion
az group delete -n rgbicepexample
- Execute each line in the azcli file by right-clicking and selecting Run Line in Terminal

If you run each of the lines you should see output similar to the following

In this scenario I ran the final command to clean up the resource group. If you’re in the process of writing your bicep code, chances are that you’ll simply create the resource group once and then keep compiling the bicep code to the ARM template (first command in the azcli file) and deploying the updated ARM template.
First Bicep Resource
Now that we have the tooling setup so that we can compile and deploy our bicep file, it’s time to dig in and start to create resources. Despite having some examples to follow, I was still a bit bewildered by not knowing what options I needed to include for any given resource. I decided to take a rather pragmatic approach by using the Azure portal to generate resources, export the ARM template and then convert that to bicep code. The last step, as you’ll see, is very manual and repetitive – hopefully this will get easier when this GitHub issue is addressed, providing us with a tool to at least automatically generate bicep code from an ARM template.
Let’s step through this process and I’ll point out a couple of things along the way. I’ll create a Storage Account that can be deployed to a resource group. This should be enough to give you a flavour for the approach.
- Start by invoking the “az group create” command in Visual Studio code to make sure you have a resource group to work with. Alternatively you can work with any existing resource group if you’d prefer (I tend to avoid doing this to ensure I don’t accidentally overwrite, or delete, other resources I might have)
- Head to the Azure Portal and open the resource group. Click the Add button to launch the New resource wizard.

- Search for Storage Account and provide the necessary details to create a Storage Account.

- I’m not going to go through the various settings here but once you get to the Review + Create tab, you’ll see that there is a link at the bottom to Download a template for automation.

- When you click through to the template, you’ll see that it’s nicely presented with a tree view to allow for each navigation around the ARM template

- Rather than simply copying the entire ARM template into our bicep file (and then having to change the syntax from ARM to Bicep), we’re going to do this in steps. We’re going to start with the parameters but instead of using the Parameters in the ARM template, we’re going to grab the json from the Parameters tab.
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"location": {
"value": "westus2"
"storageAccountName": {
"value": "stbicepexample"
"accountType": {
"value": "Standard_RAGRS"
"kind": {
"value": "StorageV2"
"accessTier": {
"value": "Hot"
"minimumTlsVersion": {
"value": "TLS1_2"
"supportsHttpsTrafficOnly": {
"value": true
"allowBlobPublicAccess": {
"value": true
"networkAclsBypass": {
"value": "AzureServices"
"networkAclsDefaultAction": {
"value": "Allow"
- Copy the json for the parameters into the bicep file and then start trimming the bits we don’t need – remember the bicep syntax is more succinct, so in a lot of cases the change to syntax is simply removing braces and the verbose ARM template code.
From the parameters json, the main things we need are the parameters and their default values, everything else can go. You’ll need to insert the keyword “param” and the type for each parameter – most are obvious from the default value but if in any doubt, you can go back to the ARM template and look in the parameters list. You’ll also need to change all strings from using ” to using ‘. What we’re left with is a very compact list of parameters, with their default values.
param location string = 'westus2'
param storageAccountName string = 'stbicepexample'
param accountType string = 'Standard_RAGRS'
param kind string = 'StorageV2'
param accessTier string = 'Hot'
param minimumTlsVersion string = 'TLS1_2'
param supportsHttpsTrafficOnly bool = true
param allowBlobPublicAccess bool = true
param networkAclsBypass string = 'AzureServices'
param networkAclsDefaultAction string = 'Allow'
By providing default values for each of the parameter, we’re making them optional – if a parameter value is provided as part of running the deployment, it will be used, otherwise the default value will be used. If you want to require a parameter to be provided as part of the deployment, simply remove the default value (eg change “param location string = ‘westus2′” to just “param location string”)
- Next up is to copy across the json from the ARM template for the resource itself. I simply grab the resources block of json
"resources": [
"name": "[parameters('storageAccountName')]",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"properties": {
"accessTier": "[parameters('accessTier')]",
"minimumTlsVersion": "[parameters('minimumTlsVersion')]",
"supportsHttpsTrafficOnly": "[parameters('supportsHttpsTrafficOnly')]",
"allowBlobPublicAccess": "[parameters('allowBlobPublicAccess')]",
"networkAcls": {
"bypass": "[parameters('networkAclsBypass')]",
"defaultAction": "[parameters('networkAclsDefaultAction')]",
"ipRules": []
"dependsOn": [],
"sku": {
"name": "[parameters('accountType')]"
"kind": "[parameters('kind')]",
"tags": {}
- Converting this code is a little trickier but essentially, you need to start with declaring the resource which will look like the following, where the [type] and [apiVersion] need to be replaced by the values from the ARM template.
resource myStorage '[type]@[apiVersion]' = {
properties: {
Essentially the resource declaration is just a key-value pair object graph. To covert the ARM template to the corresponding object graph you mainly just need to remove the parenthesis and trailing commas. You’ll also need to replace the parameter references with a simple reference to one of the param variables we declared earlier (eg “parameters(‘kind’)” becomes just kind). The converted resource (including the param lines we converted earlier) then looks like.
param location string = 'westus2'
param storageAccountName string = 'stbicepexample'
param accountType string = 'Standard_RAGRS'
param kind string = 'StorageV2'
param accessTier string = 'Hot'
param minimumTlsVersion string = 'TLS1_2'
param supportsHttpsTrafficOnly bool = true
param allowBlobPublicAccess bool = true
param networkAclsBypass string = 'AzureServices'
param networkAclsDefaultAction string = 'Allow'
resource myStorage 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2019-06-01' = {
name: storageAccountName
location: location
sku: {
name: accountType
kind: kind
properties: {
accessTier: accessTier
minimumTlsVersion: minimumTlsVersion
supportsHttpsTrafficOnly: supportsHttpsTrafficOnly
allowBlobPublicAccess: allowBlobPublicAccess
networkAcls: {
bypass: networkAclsBypass
defaultAction: networkAclsDefaultAction
This bicep code is good to go – you can compile and deploy this to your resource group. Don’t forget, once your code is finished and you’ve tested it locally, make sure you commit it to Azure DevOps and deploy it to Azure as part of a CI/CD process.
Important Note: A lot of Azure resources are pay for use, so you won’t rack up the dollars just by creating resources. However, there are some resources that will start to cost you as soon as they’re created. I would highly recommend deleting your development resource group whenever you’re done for the day, that way you can be sure you’re not going to continue to be charged.
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