Deploying Uno Wasm using Blob Storage

Earlier today I posted about deploying Uno on Wasm to an Azure App Service (to which the Uno team replied on Twitter with an updated web.config). I was thinking a bit more about how I would deploy a real Uno Wasm app and I realised that of course, there’s no server side logic, so I could just go host it off Blob Storage.

I ran up the Azure Storage Explorer and created a new container within an existing Blob Storage account


As I’m going to be serving up content directly from Blob Storage I need to make sure that I enable public read access on the individual blobs (the default is that there’s no public read access on the container or blobs). Right-click on the container and select Set Public Access Level


Set access to Public read access for blobs only


Now you can simply copy the Uno Wasm application into the container by dragging the files from File Explorer into the right pane of the Azure Storage Explorer. I found that the best folder to copy is the folder that Visual Studio uses to deploy files when you do a Publish. For my project this is found at FirstUnoProject.WasmobjReleasenetstandard2.0PubTmpOutFirstUnoProject.WasmdistbinReleasenetstandard2.0dist.

And that’s it – now I can run my Uno Wasm application by clicking the Copy URL from the tool bar and then switching to my browser and launching the corresponding URL.


The Uno Wasm application runs without any further configuration required.


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