We just released v0.5.1 of the Pipeline Templates – templates for creating build pipelines for Azure DevOps. This was a minor increment but fixed an issue that emerged due to a change in the validation of pipelines by Azure DevOps.
Before we get into the details of what is included in v0.5.1, the other big news is that Pipeline Templates has a new documentation site.
This site uses GitHub Pages and as such is generated from the markdown files in the project itself. Currently the site has a getting started guide, followed by a summary of each of the templates. Hopefully over time this can grow as we include more examples and extend the list of templates.
Pipeline Templates v0.5.1
Here’s a summary of what’s in this release:
Breaking Changes:
- None
Other Changes:
- Fix: build-xamarin-[iOS/android/windows].yml and deploy-appcenter.yml – changed depends_on parameter from stageList to string to fix validation issue introduced by Azure DevOps
- Added NuGetInstallAndRestore.yml based on a template suggest by Damien Aicheh in his post on how to Add nightly builds to your Xamarin applications using Azure DevOps
- Updated deploy-appcenter.yml to include additional parameters for controlling how apps are deployed via AppCenter. For example you can now specify release notes as a file, and you can flag whether a release is a mandatory update or not.
- Added Markdown files that document each of the templates. Go to https://pipelinetemplates.com to see the rendered output.