XAML Reuse with Templates in Applications for Windows and the Uno Platform

XAML is often criticised for being verbose, hard to read and unnecessary as an additional language for defining the interface for an application. This feedback has lead to the creation of C# markup which works with both Windows UI / Windows App SDK and  Uno Platform applications. However, I find that the declarative nature and … Read more

Understanding Styles and Resources in Windows and Uno Platform Applications

In my previous post I looked how the Windows UI 3 Figma file components and variants map to styles and visual states in Windows UI but glosses over some of the details of how resources and in particular, Styles, are defined in Windows UI. To cover this in more detail, in this post we’re going to drill … Read more

How Figma Component Variants map to XAML Visual States in Windows UI

In a previous post I covered using Figma to design and develop applications for Windows and the  Uno Platform. This was a high level post that didn’t get into either Figma files (Fluent and Material) in much detail. One thing that is common to both files is the use of components, and component variants, to … Read more