Customer Service, or lack thereof
Customer Service, or lack thereof
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
Customer Service, or lack thereof
HTC and their Home Screens
G-Phone – Why I Do Care!
When Optional isn’t so Optional!
Where did SSCE v3.1 go in VS 2008?
Google Maps V’s Live Search for Windows Mobile
Mobile Directions
Will Google’s "Me Too" Effort Destroy Phone Usability
Sydney Mobility
Finding the Silicon Beach House
Another Microsoft Move and Shake
IceTV User Group Offer!
Advanced Graphics with .NET Compact Framework
Australian DPE Team Welcomes (back) a new Member
VB guys can be Zealots too
Rockin’ End User Experience
What do Victorian .NET SIG attendees and Ben Cousins have in Common?
"Ride the Wave" – Early Event Notification
Why some C# developers are Zealots!
Sydney Geek Coffee – Wednesdays @ 1pm