Whether it be for convenience, or out of necessity, being about to set up remote debugging to your device makes for a better debugging experience. Particularly if you’re working on a Windows machine, it’s really useful to not have to sit within a meter of the machine running the build agent.
iOS on WiFi
On iOS, you need to connect your device to Xcode this first time. Thereafter you can debug across a WiFi network. Note that there are some limitations, specifically older devices won’t support network debugging.
Android ADB Configuration
For Android, you need to configure ADB to connect to your device. Note that this configuration only lasts whilst the IP address of the device is retained. If a new IP address is leased, you’ll need to reconfigure ADB to allow for remote debugging.
Windows Remote Machine Setup for Remote Debugging
With a Windows application, use the debugging tools to connect to your device and then debug using the remote machine option in Visual Studio.
The ability to do remote debugging is particularly useful when developing an Xbox application. With the Xbox running in Dev Mode it’s possible to use the Find option to locate the address of the Xbox. Debugging an Xbox application is then the same as debugging any other Windows 10 application.
If you need to diagnose the network traffic from your application, check out the post on using Fiddler for debugging
Nick Randolph @thenickrandolph
If you need help debugging your application, contact Built to Roam