Hot Reload in Windows Applications

In a previous post on the topic of hot reload I discussed using the CreateNewOnMetadataUpdate attribute to force updating of entire classes, rather than patching existing types. This makes hot reload more resilient but does require additional logic in order to apply the newly created types. In this post we’re going to walk through the … Read more

Enhancing .NET Hot Reload with CreateNewOnMetadataUpdate, MetadataUpdateHandler and MetadataUpdateOriginalType Attributes

With each update to the .NET SDK and Visual Studio the support for Hot Reload improves. Hot Reload is the ability to make changes to your running application without having to restart and it can dramatically improve developer productivity, when it works. In this post we’re going to look at a simple example of where … Read more

Visual Designer, Hot Reload and Beyond

In the last couple of years we’ve seen a massive spike in interest around “Hot Reload” thanks to the popularity of frameworks such as React/React Native and more recently, Flutter. The goal of Hot Reload is to allow developers to iteratively change their application code, whilst debugging their application – this cuts down considerably the … Read more