How to Disable Individual GridView and ListView Items in a XAML Application (WinUI + Uno Platform)

One of the most significant aspects of the XAML based applications is the concept of lookless controls. I’ve covered this topic a bit in the past but in summary it means that controls can be restyled without changing the behaviour. The Windows App SDK and the Uno Platform provide out of the box styles for … Read more

The Future of Multi-Platform .NET Application Development with WinUI, Net6 and the Uno Platform

In my previous post I started a series talking about using the Uno.Extensions that the Uno Platform team have been working on. This post was supposed to be a follow-on post but instead I want to recap one of the topics in the previous post. In case you missed the announcement, version 4.3 of the … Read more

Colors, Styles and Templates in UWP, Windows UI (WinUI) and the Windows App Sdk (WinAppSdk)

This is a quick post just to provide a reference point for anyone who’s looking for the default styles, templates, colors etc for Windows UI. Let’s break this down a bit: UWP Let’s start with the current technology, UWP. If you want to inspect the default styles and templates for UWP controls, you just need … Read more

Xamarin DevOps Snippets (aka Pipeline Templates)

Louis Matos has put together Xamarin Month with the topic of Code Snippets – Check out Louis’ blog for the full month of snippet. In this post I’m going to cover some code snippets that use Pipeline Templates in order to setup a Azure DevOps pipeline for your Xamarin application. Azure Pipeline Templates are a way … Read more

Pipeline Templates: Templates for Downloading and Caching

Earlier this year I published a pre-release version of an Azure DevOps extension that wrapped the ApkTool for extracting and re-packing Android APK files. Having spent more time working with Azure Pipelines, I realised that most of what I was doing with the extension could actually be done with one or more templates. Today I … Read more

Pipeline Template: Applying a Launch Icon Badge to Identify Environments and Versions of your App

A question was raised this week by Sturla as to how to incorporate the Launch Icon Badge extension into the build process when making use of the templates from Pipeline Templates (Damien covers how to use this extension in a Azure DevOps pipeline in his post on the topic). By the way, a big thank … Read more

ListView and GridView Templates for Windows (UWP)

In my previous post I discussed Control Template in Windows development (UWP and Platform.Uno). I feel the topic of templates warrants at least one follow up post. So, in this post I’m going to walk through ListView Templates and GridView Templates. As both ListView and GridView inherit from ListViewBase, I’m actually going to focus my … Read more