AI App Builders – Re-take – TempoLabs

In my previous attempt with TempoLabs I was able to successfully build the ABN lookup scenario that I’d been testing with other app builders. I was prompted to take another look and I was even more impressed this time around. In order to do a comparison with my experience from my last attempt I started … Read more

Building Cross Platform Applications using Hot Design and Codespaces with Uno Platform and No IDE

Ok, so the title is a bit of a mouthful but here’s the scenario – you want to quickly spin up an application but you don’t want to mess around downloading and installing any of the usual development tools required to build an Uno Platform application. In this post we’re going to walk through creating … Read more

AI App Builders – Take 3 – TempoLabs

I was watching overview of TempoLabs and my initial impression was “wow, that’s a lot of stuff” as they not only have AI generation but it seems they understand at least the basics of a software devlelopment process. When you invoke the AI generation, it firstly parrots back its understanding of what you’ve asked for. … Read more

AI App Builders – Take 2 – Lovable

Following from my previous attempt at building a simple app to retrieve the ABN for a business, I figured I’d give a go. This will be a quick post to cover some of the likes/dislikes from this process. Firstly I have to hand it to Lovable, they’ve done a great job with the user … Read more

AI App Builders – Take 1 –

I figured I’d take some of these AI app builders for a run to see how capable they are. To date I’ve mainly just been taking advantage of the AI capabilities that are progressively being added to VS Code and Visual Studio though tooling such as Copilot but I’m hoping that these AI app builders, … Read more

Logging with Azure Application Insights in a Windows Application

The default template for a Windows application comes with almost no guidance for how developers should do even basic things like logging. Luckily, the Uno Platform wizard provides a simple way to create an application that configures the Microsoft.Extensions for each of the supported platforms. This includes the ability to setup Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with the ability … Read more

Taking AI Dev Gallery Code Cross Platform with Uno Platform – Android

In the last two posts I introduced the AI Dev Gallery that Microsoft has been working on, and then demonstrated how code exported from the AI Dev Gallery can be added to an Uno Platform application. Unfortunately, whilst the code compiles on all the target platforms of the Uno Platform, the application fails to operate … Read more

Adding AI to a Windows and Uno Platform Application using Microsoft.Extensions.AI

Earlier this month Microsoft introduced the preview of Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Abstractions and Microsoft.Extensions.AI libraries with the aim of making it easier for .NET developers to integrate AI services into their applications. The Uno Platform provides support for using Microsoft.Extensions in applications that target Windows and any other Uno Platform target (iOS, Android, MacCatalyst etc) via the Uno.Extensions … Read more

XAML Reuse with Templates in Applications for Windows and the Uno Platform

XAML is often criticised for being verbose, hard to read and unnecessary as an additional language for defining the interface for an application. This feedback has lead to the creation of C# markup which works with both Windows UI / Windows App SDK and  Uno Platform applications. However, I find that the declarative nature and … Read more

Understanding Styles and Resources in Windows and Uno Platform Applications

In my previous post I looked how the Windows UI 3 Figma file components and variants map to styles and visual states in Windows UI but glosses over some of the details of how resources and in particular, Styles, are defined in Windows UI. To cover this in more detail, in this post we’re going to drill … Read more

How Figma Component Variants map to XAML Visual States in Windows UI

In a previous post I covered using Figma to design and develop applications for Windows and the  Uno Platform. This was a high level post that didn’t get into either Figma files (Fluent and Material) in much detail. One thing that is common to both files is the use of components, and component variants, to … Read more

Using Web Authentication (OAuth2) to access Figma from Windows and Uno Platform Application

OAuth2 is quite a common authentication standard for web services to use. Whilst a lot of services have now updated to use OpenID Connect, there are still some, like the Figma api, that still use OAuth2. In this post we’re going to walk through using the Uno.Extensions web authentication package to simplify not only the … Read more

Add some Swagger to your Windows and Uno Platform application using Kiota and OpenAPI

This post is going to walk through using the Microsoft tool, Kiota, to generate client code from a Swagger / OpenAPI definition that can be used within a Windows (WinUI/Windows App Sdk) / Uno Platform application. Ok, so let’s backup a little – firstly, Swagger / OpenAPI (see description) is used to describe service endpoints. … Read more

What’s a Navigation Region in Windows and Uno Platform Applications?

In all but the simplest single page application, the layout of an application has to be dynamicaly changed in order to display information, or capture input from the user. Most application frameworks provide a variety of components to make this easy. For example in a WinUI / Windows App SDK application can use a Frame … Read more

Navigation using Regions in Windows and Uno Platform Applications

Out of the box, applications built using WinUI / Windows App Sdk or the Uno Platform have access to a wide range of controls, such as Frame, TabBar and NavigationView that can be used for navigation. However, there’s no common pattern/metaphor that makes it navigate within an application. Uno.Extensions includes Navigation which provides a consistent abstraction for … Read more

Using Syncfusion Controls in Uno Platform Application using MAUI Embedding.

The Uno Platform supports many third party control libraries, such as Mapsui and LiveCharts, but sometimes there are components that you want to use that haven’t been adapted to work with Uno. For this, you can turn to .NET MAUI Embedding which allows for any .NET MAUI control to be hosted within an Uno Platform … Read more

Switching AI Models with ChatGPT in a Windows and Uno Platform Application

In my previous post I walked through how to connect to ChatGPT in order to integrate AI into a multi-platform (Windows App SDK and the Uno Platform) based application. In this post we’re going to add the ability to switch which AI model (GPT 3, 4 etc) is used when connecting to ChatGPT. We’ll also cover … Read more