Add some Swagger to your Windows and Uno Platform application using Kiota and OpenAPI

This post is going to walk through using the Microsoft tool, Kiota, to generate client code from a Swagger / OpenAPI definition that can be used within a Windows (WinUI/Windows App Sdk) / Uno Platform application. Ok, so let’s backup a little – firstly, Swagger / OpenAPI (see description) is used to describe service endpoints. … Read more

Uno Platform 5.2 Released – One Project To Rule Them All

This has been a work in progress over the last couple of releases in order to deliver a better developer experience for the Uno Platform. The 5.1 release introduced the Uno.Sdk which allowed for better integration with Visual Studio – no more pesky “reload project” warnings appearing. With the 5.2 release the Uno Platform goes … Read more

Adding .NET MAUI Controls to an Existing Uno-Platform Application


In case you haven’t seen the release notes or the blog post the 4.10 release for the Uno Platform was pretty huge with a couple of big features shipping in this release. One of these features was .NET MAUI Embedding with allows any .NET MAUI Control to be embedded within an Uno Platform application. If … Read more

Windows Community Toolkit for UWP, WinUI and Uno

The Windows Community Toolkit is in pre-release of v8 – full details of their announcement here. With the new consolidated structure, there are packages for both UWP and WinUI but more importantly both sets of packages also target the Uno Platform. In this post we’re going to walk through adding one of the components from … Read more

Integrating ImageSharp with Windows and Uno Platform Applications

Earlier this week Six Labors announced the release of ImageSharp.Drawing v1.0 and it made me wonder whether this could be used as an alternative to Skia for controls that want to do custom rendering in a Windows, or multi-platform Uno Platform, application. For Skia there are already Uno (which includes Windows/WinUI) views (see source here) … Read more

Deep dive – Uno Platform Template Wizard – Framework, Platforms and Presentation

In my previous two posts (here and here) I’ve talked about the new wizard that’s available for creating multi-platform applications with .NET and the Windows App SDK (WinUI), leveraging the Uno Platform. Now we’re going to jump in and take a look at the options that are available via the Customize button. In this post … Read more

Multi-Platform PixelPerfect UI with Windows UI and the Uno Platform

As we progress through the various previews of .NET 6 it’s great to see the transition happening from Xamarin.Forms to dotnet MAUI. The other day, James Montemagno tweeted out an image that showcases the same application running on iOS, Android, MacOS and Windows (which is now based on WinUI Desktop!). This tweet inspired me to … Read more

Getting Started with the Uno Platform (Project Reunion/WinUI)

Two years ago I posted on Getting Started with Platform Uno which focused on starting with a UWP application and extending it cross platform using the Uno Platform. For those tracking developments in the Windows development space, you’ll be aware that the 0.5 version of Project Reunion has just been released. It seem fitting to … Read more

Simple WinUI + Uno Calculator

A week or so ago David from the XF/Maui team kicked of a thread on twitter challenging devs to add a simple addition to a simple calculator. I particularly liked the transition animation that Robin added, so figured I’d translate this to a WinUI+Uno platform application. I’m going to try to keep as close to … Read more

Using ImageSharp in your WinUI – Uno Cross Platform App

ImageSharp WinUI Uno

This post originated from a tweet demonstrating how easily you can use the ImageSharp library in a Blazor server side app to generate images. In this post I’ll show how we can reuse the same code plus WinUI+Uno to generate images for iOS, Android, Windows (Desktop+UWP) and Web (WASM) I figured it’d be easy enough … Read more

XAML Basics for WPF, UWP, Uno and WinUI

This is an index post for a series of blog posts covering some XAML basics. The original content came from a series of posts that Beatriz Stollnitz made on WPF/Silverlight that had been moved to a github repository. Unfortunately most of the samples don’t work out of the box with the latest version of Visual Studio … Read more